I'm sitting here.
The train drives me my way.
I'm passing the most different
There are the plains with the green
grass and the beautiful flowers.
Sometimes there are animals who are
eating the tasty grass.
Cows, horses and sheep.
They're all living together in peace.
I spot some trees on the plains.
Every tree stands alone but that makes
the picture even more beautiful and idyllic.
Then, I pass a deep dark forest.
There are lots of trees which are
standing close together.
It seems as if they're hugging each
So many trees and so many different
trees living close together.
Friendly and in peace.
No tree distributes another kind of
The forest looks very beautiful but
I can't look deep inside the forest
because it's so dark.
But I think, a nice forest has to be
dark and has to stay untouched.
Now, I pass a big city.
I can't spot a single green stain in
No trees, not one.
I see the rooftops of tons of houses.
The whole city seems to be very
I wonder if there's a park inside this
grey hole.
Some big cities can be really pretty
At nighttime, all the lights are
shining bright and bring colourful light into the usually grey city.
But the city I'm passing is not like
It's actually really ugly.
I wouldn't want to live in a city like
Now it starts to rain.
Not only a little but very heavy, hard
raindrops hit the window glass and take my view from the world
I close my eyes and start to dream..